ECD Pilgrim

I have lived my entire life near either side of the Eastern Continental Divide. And, I am a pilgrim on a road that is narrow and not easy that leads to the Celestial City of God. On my journey, I attempt to live and apply the Gospel in this world that is not my home. These are some of my observations from a Biblical and Reformed perspective.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Church
Non-thinking about Bioethics

In an article about bioethics, Dr. Chris Hook outlines issues that individuals and the church must grapple with over the next decades. And, he makes this damning charge against the church:

To be most blunt, the American church generally (and I am thankful for the few exceptions) can at most charitably be described as apostate, idolatrous, narcissistic, materially self-indulgent, has sold its soul to a civic religion that has attempted to democratize God’s Kingdom, and is the most pathetically ignorant (biblically, theologically, historically, scientifically and logically) since the English Reformation. As such, any attempts to successfully face the biotechnological and bioethical challenges before us, must be done in the context of a larger reformation of the American church. And every single Christian has a responsibility and accountability before God in the process.

Dr. Hook has a list of suggestions to fix the problem…solutions that are not just pertaining to the shortfall of bioethical thinking, but to all of the failings in the church today. [Read the entire article at .]

The public, Christian and non-Christian alike seem to have a fixation about the abilities of science and technology to fix all the problems of life…sovereign science as the only vehicle of truth. Christians are included in those who seek to create heaven on earth with technological advances. Ease, comfort and pleasure pursued and expanded here on earth. We are all become pragmatists and materialists in our views of life. We have not thought through our positions to determine if they are in accord with Biblical Christianity. As Dr. Hook says:

We have to create a thinking church once again, a church which understands history, theology, basic philosophy, logic and critical thinking.



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