ECD Pilgrim

I have lived my entire life near either side of the Eastern Continental Divide. And, I am a pilgrim on a road that is narrow and not easy that leads to the Celestial City of God. On my journey, I attempt to live and apply the Gospel in this world that is not my home. These are some of my observations from a Biblical and Reformed perspective.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

They’reeee back…next week.

I have always felt better when Congress is out of session. Not only is the blathering and blithering reduced, no legislation can be passed! But, after Labor Day they will be back in session. And, of course, centre stage will be health care reform; or health insurance reform; or health care cost reduction; or whatever the “title of the week” this legislative initiative undertaken by Congress and the POTUS will be called. Let’s just call it Obamacare for short.

Although seemingly no one has read the bills reported out of the various committees, the massiveness of the bills and the apparent sweep of change is daunting. Each of the bills reported out creates a massive new bureaucracy to administer whatever the bills provide. Where is this all going? So far it has not been good for the POTUS since his approval rating has been falling rather precipitously. As for Congress, there approval rating was in the Mendoza Zone to begin with so it matters not to them what the folks think. That is until November 2010 when all members of the House and 1/3rd of the Senate is up for re-election.

Obviously, it would have been better for sitting politicians to have passed a controversial, massive reworking of the health care system in the USA this summer. That was the POTUS’s directive. The closer to the election, the harder it will be for those members in “contested” districts to do something drastic. But, the Dems do have commanding majorities in Congress now. So, if there is going to be big change now is the time. Because of leadership based on seniority, the chairs of House committees are usually from relatively safe districts. And, with majority of Dems on committees, bills get reported out. But now, which “principle” triumphs for the membership of the Dems…the belief in health care whatever or the belief in re-election?

It has been a rough couple months. It was announced today the POTUS will be addressing a joint session of Congress. Will he be taking back the debate? Will he be urging bi-partisanship? Will he be scolding the Repubs? Will he be urging “winning one for Teddy”? Will he be dropping the “public option”? Will he be demanding the “public option”? [What is the public option anyway…seems like a wax nose to be shaped in any way you want it to be or the camel’s nose under the tent?] One thing we can be sure of…he will be eloquent and charming, his strong points…but will he be substantive and concrete, understanding the outrage and disgust over confusion there is in the minds of the voters? Not his strong suit. Does he get that our elected officials are to serve the people not tell the people arrogantly and condescendingly what is good for them and try to push it through without explanation? This is the real test of leadership for the POTUS.

Down From the Green Tunnel

I have just published my first volume of short stories entitled Down From the Green Tunnel. It is available from Booksurge and Amazon. Everyone loves stories…even those who reject meta-narratives with overall application. This little book recounts fact and delves into fiction with the intention of making the reader think about life, place, kin, culture and God. Check it out.