ECD Pilgrim

I have lived my entire life near either side of the Eastern Continental Divide. And, I am a pilgrim on a road that is narrow and not easy that leads to the Celestial City of God. On my journey, I attempt to live and apply the Gospel in this world that is not my home. These are some of my observations from a Biblical and Reformed perspective.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Christian Thinking
Not your respectability morality

The true Christian mind will bring to bear upon the human scene those specifically Christian moral criteria which by no amount of casuistry can be equated with the generally accepted respectability-morality of our day. In the Christian moral system the key sin is pride—that perversion of the will by which the self is asserted as the centre of the universe. That is the mark of an utterly lost soul; an established and constant habit of manipulating all people and all interests in the service of self. Likewise, the key virtue in the Christian moral system is obedience; that self-commitment in thought and act by which God is asserted as centre of the universe. That is the hall-mark of the Christian moral life; a persisting and cheerful effort to make all life’s activities and relationships a fit offering to God.

Harry Blamires, The Christian Mind, How Should a Christian Think? (Ann Arbor, Mi: Servant Books, 1963), p. 89.


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