ECD Pilgrim

I have lived my entire life near either side of the Eastern Continental Divide. And, I am a pilgrim on a road that is narrow and not easy that leads to the Celestial City of God. On my journey, I attempt to live and apply the Gospel in this world that is not my home. These are some of my observations from a Biblical and Reformed perspective.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What is it?

Post-modernism is what is after modernism. That was easy…end of post! Is it different from modernism or is it a spin off of modernism? Some would ask what is modernism? So, it is with philosophy and culture, we really can’t explain it anymore. And, that may be the major issue with post-modernism.

Ravi Zacharias tells the story of the two Aussie sailors on shore leave in London. They wander into a pub on a fog shrouded night. And, as sailors do, they had a few too many pints. As they exited the pub, the fog seemed thicker which may have been the effect of the grog not the weather. They had forgotten where they were, a definite result of the booze. They spotted a figure in uniform coming toward them. It was a highly decorated British naval officer. They asked in a slurred brogue, “Bloke, do you know where we are?” The officer appalled at the condition of the sailors and their not recognizing him as an officer replied, “Do you know who I am?” One Aussie looked at the other and said: “Boy are we in trouble, we don’t know where we are and he don’t know who ‘e is!” That’s post-modernism…not knowing who we are or where we are.

I also like to use Justice Jackson’s definition for pornography: “I’ll know it when I see it.” Post-modernism defies definition but we know it when it manifests itself in our culture. Take the Imus dustup over his comments about the Rutger’s women’s basketball team. Now, I am no Imus fan. He is crude, rude and inconsequential. He has been spewing foul, ridiculous comments for over 3 decades. But, now he is under fire for saying something that is often repeated in Gansta Rap music performed by equally insensitive, foul mouthed black men. Why?

Well obviously we have he political opportunists who like to capitalize on racially charged comments. They are out hustling the media for Imus’ ouster. But, there is not an outcry for this type of language to be removed from the Rap music culture. Could it be because language has no more universal reference point? In other words, what is wrong for Imus is not wrong for black men who are part of the black culture. Language has no universal application but is specific to the personal interpretation of the world and culture in which we live. You know…what’s true for me is not necessarily true for you…it depends.

What is post-modernism? It is tough to define but keep your eyes and ears open and you will see and hear it. It is the air we breathe. We are all affected. For Christians it is easy to avoid the language trap of the politically correct. All you language is to be edifying, building up, not corrupting to others and give grace to those who hear it (Eph. 4:29). You see, the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ has an impact in these post-modern times. And, we can know where we are and who we are in Christ.


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