ECD Pilgrim

I have lived my entire life near either side of the Eastern Continental Divide. And, I am a pilgrim on a road that is narrow and not easy that leads to the Celestial City of God. On my journey, I attempt to live and apply the Gospel in this world that is not my home. These are some of my observations from a Biblical and Reformed perspective.

Monday, January 05, 2009

It's going to be an exciting year!

We first heard of her in the late summer of 2006. Lucas went to Fairfax, VA, to begin teaching and coaching soccer at NVCA. She assisted him with the boy's team and he her with the girl's. She was from rural PA [eastern]; played soccer in college; attended a small Christian liberal arts school [Cedarville]; and was a Christian [Baptist]. But, what really caught our attention was the fist week of school when Lucas contracted a nasty virus. He was home in bed in Arlington for about four days calling constantly about what to do next to get better. She showed up at his door with soup and a "what can I do spirit"! Understand, Arlington is only about 8-10 miles from Fairfax but a 40 minute drive. This is some young lady we thought.

During the year there was much discussion about her. And, she was there for him when he was challenged by the NVCA folks about not being a "real" evangelical Christian in the Northern VA sense. We always asked to meet her when we went to see Lucas, but we were politely rebuffed…by him. We knew why. He knew when we met her we would take to her. Finally, near the end of the school year we met. He was right…she was a gem.

Lucas has had many wonderful influences in his life, male and female. This young lady had the characteristics of three of the females rolled into one. What a work of God's providential blessing was her presence in Lucas' life. Since the spring of 2007 a friendship has blossomed into a relationship. We have met her family and we see why she is the person she is. She has an older brother who is a missionary and two younger sisters. Her dad is a leader in his church and her mother is lovely Christian woman who is every ounce a nurturer and encourager.

Back in October, on a truck ride with her dad, Lucas asked for his daughter's hand as his wife. For six hours they together talked about faith, family and two living as one under the Lordship of Christ…and said yes. Sister Barb helped Lucas choose a ring. And, this past weekend, as he planned for several weeks, he asked her to be his life's partner when we all traveled to New York. And………she said yes!

Part of the glorious Christmas season is about a betrothal; one that preceded the Incarnation. We are so thankful what our great God has done in and with Lucas' life and that He has in His grace, mercy and wisdom brought to Lucas as a for life help mate a godly woman justified by faith in Christ. Join us in this season of Joy as we celebrate the engagement of Lucas to Katie Walter. When you meet her you will love her as we do and see God's fingerprints all over the two of them.


At 8:16 PM, Blogger Crystal said...

HI Bill and Susan!
Please congratulate Lucas and Katie for us. What fun news! It sounds like they were made for each other. =)


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