ECD Pilgrim

I have lived my entire life near either side of the Eastern Continental Divide. And, I am a pilgrim on a road that is narrow and not easy that leads to the Celestial City of God. On my journey, I attempt to live and apply the Gospel in this world that is not my home. These are some of my observations from a Biblical and Reformed perspective.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Christian Education
The Enemy

Why is there so much enmity against education from a Christian perspective? Some say the hostility comes from the culture and the dominant secular media. Others claim it is from the secular educational establishment itself. Recently, I had an educator tell me neither is the biggest enemy of education from a Christian perspective. No, he says the biggest enemy is the contemporary church.

Why? Because the church is caught up in the tolerance thing.. And, that includes the view of each parishioner of his or her Christian life. That is, everyone has carved out their idea of Christianity based on what works for them and each such idea is acceptable. In today’s church world all where few absolutes are believed, certainly each view of Christian life and belief is of equal value and worth. So, to push an educational process from a Christian perspective that may challenge pre-existing notions of what a parishioner believes is not a good thing for the health of a church.

It used to be churches were big sponsors and proponents of Christian schools. Not so anymore with the spiritual and intellectual climate of the church today. To promote a specific education for children which embraces a Christian and Biblical worldview may upset parishioners who, as consumers, have chosen what they like of Christianity and set up their own little “Christian worldview” they do not want shaken. Pastors of churches, not wanting problems of any kind, do not want to encourage an educational process that challenges the children of parishioners, and, therefore, the parishioners themselves. Christians are happy about their concept of Christianity as well as the depth and commitment of their beliefs. As offended consumers, they may chose to leave the church pushing such intolerant positions for one that is more tolerant of their view of Christianity. And, there is always a more tolerant church out there.

If the churches do not promote an education for children from a Christian and Biblical worldview, who will?


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