ECD Pilgrim

I have lived my entire life near either side of the Eastern Continental Divide. And, I am a pilgrim on a road that is narrow and not easy that leads to the Celestial City of God. On my journey, I attempt to live and apply the Gospel in this world that is not my home. These are some of my observations from a Biblical and Reformed perspective.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Election 2008
Do not forget to Vote Today

No, that is not a typo. Election 2008 will be a blog topic over the next 12 months. It seems like the 2008 Presidential campaign has already gone on for the entire four years of GWB's second term. But, it is another year until the electorate makes their choice for President of the United States. This upcoming election is one that presents issues for Christian voters since there seems to be no clear cut candidate Christians can embrace. So, there are many challenges. Can a Christian vote for a candidate who believes “another Gospel”? We often hear attributed to Luther that he would rather be ruled by a competent Turk than and incompetent Christian? But, what if all the Turks are incompetent too? Can a Christian vote for a candidate who is not in line with the “right to life”? Is that not being a single issue voter? Is that good or bad? What is someone has all his/her positions right except the “right to life”? Can anyone have anything right without holding to a “right to life”? What must a Christian expect the role of government to be? Is it not the Church that reforms culture through the proclamation of the Gospel? How can a Christian have any expectation that an elected official must promote the Gospel as part of his/her governing agenda? There will be many questions to answer in the coming year for Christian voters. In the meantime, do not forget to vote today!


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